Walton College Recognizes Faculty, Staff Achievement, Service

Dean Eli Jones presents Karen Boston with the Walton College Major Contribution Award.
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Dean Eli Jones presents Karen Boston with the Walton College Major Contribution Award.

The Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas has recognized faculty and staff members for outstanding service and achievement for 2012-13.

The college’s Major Contribution Award went to Karen Boston, assistant dean for undergraduate programs. Ronn Smith, an assistant professor in the Department of Marketing, was recognized with the award for best all-around faculty member.

Team awards went to the Walton College Staff Council as the High Performance Team and to the IMAcc Development Team for Outstanding Team Achievement. The members of the staff council are Ryan Miller, Carolyn Eiler, Allison Foxworth, Nidhi Dahiya, Mary Davenport, Jason Campbell, Arlene Press, Jeff Waits, Amy Moore and Autumn Parker. Members of the IMAcc team are Gary Peters, Deb Williams, Rebel Smith, Marion Dunagan, Regena Jedlicka, Nancy Fondren and JaLynn Thomas.

Other faculty awards went to Carole Shook, and instructor in the Department of Supply Chain Management for teaching; Linda Myers, a professor in the Department of Accounting for research; Charles Leflar, a clinical professor in the Department of Accounting for service; Dub Ashton, an associate professor in the Department of Marketing for advising; Shannon Rawski, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Management, for student teaching; and Manuel Sanchez, an associate professor in the Department of Accounting, for diversity.

Other recognized at the May 7 ceremony were Arlene Press, program coordinator in the Supply Chain Management Research Center, with the superior service award; Will Allred, associate director, technology, with the green award; and Elizabeth Johnson, development manager in the Office of External Relations, with the rookie award.

Arlene Press was also recognized as the Walton College employee of the third quarter.

Faculty and staff also were recognized for their years of service in the Walton College:

  • 40 years, Joe Ziegler, professor in economics, and David Gay, University Professor in economics;
  • 20 years, Scot Burton, distinguished professor in marketing; Gary Ferrier, University Professor in economics; and Charles Leflar, clinical professor in accounting;
  • 10 years, Nicole Cox, instructor in marketing; Greg Fike, associate director in the Center for Management and Executive Education; Molly Jensen, clinical associate professor in marketing; Gary Peters, professor in accounting; Autumn Parker, assistant director for recruitment in undergraduate programs; and Jeff Waits, computer support specialist in the technology center.

David Speer, Director of Communications
Sam M. Walton College of Businesss
479-575-2539, dspeer@walton.uark.edu


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