Red, White & True: A Truly Campuswide Impact
Red, White & True, the University of Arkansas’ faculty and staff giving program, launched last month and is now in full swing. Employees across campus are stepping up and making contributions in addition to the time, energy and enthusiasm they already give the YOU of A every day.
One of the most appealing and inspiring aspects of Red, White & True is that it impacts our entire campus. Because faculty and staff can choose their designations, they are assured their gifts are being given to areas that are important to them. Every program or cause they care most about – or are even involved with on a daily basis – can be supported.
To date, over 286 unique programs have benefited since the Red, White & True initiative started in 2011. The funds receiving support from faculty and staff donations represent all of the academic units on campus, as well as Continuing Education, the Graduate School, the Honors College, the Arkansas Alumni Association, Athletics, Diversity Initiatives, Research and Economic Development, Student Affairs and the University Libraries. There are also allocations, like the General Scholarship Fund, which are university-wide.
Because gifts go to “our own backyard,” it’s easy to see the difference that is being made. In just two years:
- Faculty and staff giving to KUAF helped keep programs like “Morning Edition” and “Fresh Air” on the air.
- The Full Circle Campus Food Pantry was able to purchase 1,668 pounds of food, which fed approximately 278 individuals for one week.
- The Staff Senate Scholarship Fund awarded 11 scholarships to deserving staff members while continuing to build their endowment.
- Five dollars of every faculty and staff membership combined together to add more than $4,000 for scholarships given by the Arkansas Alumni Association.
- And, eight new Razorback Band uniforms were purchased for talented student musicians.
As you consider your involvement in this year’s effort, running through June 30, remember these are just a sampling of areas on campus that appreciate and need your support. Your gift says something about what you value, so give to the area you are most passionate about, and make a difference today for the University of Arkansas. Remember, it’s not the size of the gift that matters – it’s the collective impact we can make as a campus community.
For more information about Red, White & True and how you can support your favorite program, visit
Merin Macechko, Associate Director of Annual Programs
University Development