Employees of the Third Quarter Announced

The Staff Senate wishes to congratulate the University of Arkansas Employees of the 3rd Quarter (January, February, March).

Employees of the Quarter represent staff employees who have gone above and beyond their normal job duties. Each quarter outstanding University of Arkansas employees (classified or non-classified) are selected for the award from nominations received from UA employees (staff or faculty).

The campus community is invited to join the Staff Senate at its regular meeting at 9:30 a.m. Thursday, May 9, in Arkansas Union Room 507-508, to help recognize and celebrate these outstanding University of Arkansas staff members:

  • Deb Williams, associate director of graduate programs/Walton College of Business – Professional/Non-Faculty-Academic
  • Lyn Edington, patient care supervisor-nurse manager/Pat Walker Health Center – Professional/Non-Faculty-Administrative
  • Clarinda Carr, administrative support supervisor/Athletics-Football – Secretarial/Clerical
  • David Gibson, assistant director of IT/Admissions – Technical/Paraprofessional
  • Eddie Flores, skilled tradesman/Housing – Skilled Crafts/Service/Maintenance

Each winner receives a certificate and a monetary award and is placed in the pool of candidates considered for the Employee of the Year award.

For more information about the Employee of the Quarter/Year program, please visit the Staff Senate website, http://staffsenate.uark.edu/.


Kelly Carter, Staff Senate, EOQ/EOY Chair
Staff Senate
479-575-7685, eoq@uark.edu

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