Collins to Teach About Mixed-Methods Research at Cal State
Kathleen Collins, University of Arkansas professor of special education, will present a workshop and give a keynote address at a conference May 3-4 at California State University in Los Angeles.
Her workshop May 3 giving an introduction to mixed-methods research will be open to education faculty members and education doctoral students. The keynote address on May 4 is titled “Intersecting Mixed Methods Research Techniques and Issues of Social Justice: A Winning Combination.”
Collins has presented more than 100 research papers at international, national and regional conferences. In addition, she has made several invited addresses to faculty and students, including international keynote addresses in Australia and South Africa. She has presented numerous three- to four-hour workshops for faculty and graduate students on topics related to mixed research, writing research literature reviews, publishing research articles and books, and conducting action research projects.
Collins co-edited a mixed research book in the area of stress and coping published by Information Age Publishing. She has served as editorial board member and reviewer for international and national refereed journals and as chair (2009-2010) of the Mixed Methods Special Interest Group at American Educational Research Association. She is serving a three-year term on the AERA-Special Interest Group Executive Committee that ends in 2015.
Heidi Wells, director of communications
College of Education and Health Professions