UA Chapter of National German Honor Society Initiates 25 New Members
The Iota Xi chapter of Delta Phi Alpha, the national German academic honor society, recently held its annual banquet and initiation. The chapter was founded 30 years ago in 1983 and includes approximately 405 members, making it one of the most active chapters in the country.
Members must have a high overall GPA and high GPA in German, have completed at least one 3000-level or higher course in German, and have sophomore standing. Professor Horst Lange of the University of Central Arkansas was the featured speaker at the initiation banquet with a lecture on Goethe.
The chapter congratulates new student members Connor Ahrendsen, Erick Axxe, Matthew Browning, Steven Denmark, Whitney Dodson, Kelly Dundon, Camanda Fergus, Gregory Ferguson, Derek Fukumoto, Ashley Goad, James Grisebaum, Vallée Jines, Amanda Jones, Cynthia Kramp, Mengjiao Liao, Alex Martin, Rebekah McMillan, Zachary Mensch, Mason Sams, Erin Schaffer, Mitchell Simpson, Jill Thomason, Nathan Wahl, Elise Wehrman, and Brian Wempe. The Delta Phi Alpha faculty adviser is Michael André.
Dr. Kathleen Condray, German Section Head
World Languages