Bumpers College Announces Student Honors and Awards

First Ranked Senior Scholar Alexandra Canfield (center) with Professor Bruce Ahrendsen (left) and Dean Michael Vayda. First Ranked Senior Scholar Emily Culver was unable to attend. See all award presentation photos at http://www.flickr.com/photos/90833648@N08/sets/72157633197669126/.
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – The Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food and Life Sciences recognized student achievements Friday, April 12, at the University of Arkansas. The students were honored during a banquet at the Verizon Ballroom at the Arkansas Union.
Two students received the First Ranked Senior Scholar award, which is presented for achieving a 4.0 grade point average with completion of all coursework at the UA. The students are Alexandra Canfield of Fayetteville, an animal science major with a minor in Spanish, and Emily Culver of Fayetteville, a December 2012 graduate of Bumpers College with a degree in food, human nutrition and hospitality with a concentration in hospitality and restaurant management and a minor in marketing.
The Senior Scholar award went to Angela Hiefner of McKinney, Texas, a human development and family science major with a lifespan concentration. The Senior Scholar award signifies the highest grade-point average with at least half completion of all coursework at the UA.
Claire Crews of Jacksonville received the Presidential Scholar award for the student with the highest grade point average after having earned at least 45 credit hours. Crews is a junior majoring in animal science with a pre-veterinary medicine concentration.
The Greg Weidemann Bumpers College Alumni Society Scholarship was presented to Maggie Jo Pruitt of Bergman. She is a junior majoring in agricultural education, communication and technology with a concentration in agricultural communications and a minor in agricultural business and global agricultural, food and life sciences.
Stuart Estes of Harrison was named the Bumpers College Alumni Society Ring Scholar. He is a junior majoring in agricultural education, communication and technology with an emphasis in agricultural communications.
Three students were named Dale Bumpers Distinguished Scholars. The awards are presented to outstanding students pursuing master’s and doctoral degrees and to an outstanding undergraduate transfer student.
The Distinguished Ph.D. Scholar award went to Ujvala Deepthi Gadde of Andhra Pradesh, India. Her doctoral research, with major professor David Chapman in poultry science, is on the investigation of host immune responses to coccidiosis, a protozoan disease in turkeys.
The Distinguished Master’s Scholar was presented to Chester Greub of Gower, Mo., a student in crop, soil, and environmental sciences with a concentration in soil fertility/soil chemistry. His research focuses on the influences of poultry litter as a fertilizer source on the Nitrogen-Soil Test for Rice.
The Distinguished Undergraduate Transfer Student Award was presented to Brittany Smith of Freeman, Mo., an animal science major who has served as a Collegiate FFA and Farm Bureau member and has held a livestock management internship with the university.
The John W. White Outstanding Student for the year is Michael Norton of Prairie Grove. He is a senior with a double major in agricultural business and poultry science. He is a former Bumpers College Ambassador and former president of the Collegiate Farm Bureau and the current chair of the Senate in the Associated Student Government.
The Spitze Public Policy Legislative Internship Award was presented to Amy West of Bentonville, a sophomore agricultural business major. She is a Bumpers College Ambassador, a member of the Honors Student Board, vice president of the Ag Business Club, director of business affairs for the Collegiate Farm Bureau and a member of the Ag Business Quiz Bowl Team. This summer she will intern in the Washington office of Sen. John Boozman.
Download print quality photos of award recipients at http://www.flickr.com/photos/90833648@N08/sets/72157633197669126/.
David Edmark, Interim Coordinator
Agricultural Communication Services
479-575-6940, dedmark@uark.edu