Protect Your Brains as Zombie-Themed Game of Tag Comes To Campus

If you want to get involved in Humans vs Zombies, make sure you get in on one of these information sessions!
Humans vs. Zombies (HvZ) is a game of moderated tag played for a week every semester on this campus, and it's back! The game will take place from today, April 15, through Saturday, April 20, and it will last each day from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Zombies are the group that's "it," attempting to tag the Humans and transmit their undead disease while they travel between classes. Human players must remain vigilant and defend themselves with socks and dart blasters to avoid being tagged by the growing zombie horde. But don't worry – they're safe inside buildings. No play happens in buildings, parking lots, or in the streets, ever.
Players of HvZ distinguish themselves by wearing bandanas – the Humans wear a bandana on their left upper arm, and Zombies wear a bandana rolled up around their heads. So, keep this in mind when picking out your accessories in the morning. If you don't want to be bombarded with socks or foam nerf darts, you'd best leave the bandana headband at home.
If you want to get involved, the organizers will have a final information session at 5:30 p.m. Monday, April 15, in Mullins 104. No one can play if they haven't attended an info session, because it's there that you get your official game card, sign a liability waiver, and most importantly, learn the rules! Monday night is absolutely the last night to join, so if this interests you, come to Mullins 104 on Monday night, bring your nerf blasters and/or rolled up socks, and come ready to defend your humanity!
To contact the game moderators, e-mail them at
Kristie Flournoy, President
(479) 422-9871,