Walton College Accounting and Finance Students Visit Walmart Home Office

Walton College Accounting and Finance Students Visit Walmart Home Office
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On April 3, a group of accounting and finance students, Walton College Career Center staff and finance faculty visited the accounting and finance divisions at Walmart’s Home Office in Bentonville as part of the Sam M. Walton College of Business Career Development Center’s Company Visit Program.

The Sam M. Walton College of Business Career Development Center Company Visit Program is designed to give business majors a connection to their local business community and a unique resource for discussing issues related to their career interests. Participating students interact with business and industry professionals and are exposed to a variety of learning experiences provided by host companies and organizations.

This program also provides an excellent opportunity for regional alumni to re-connect with the Walton College of Business and interact with current students.

The program objective is to provide an opportunity for business students to be exposed to a variety of learning experiences provided by partner companies and organizations through working professionals. The intention of this program is to give students, who will soon enter the workforce rare exposure to business culture, working environments and the world of work. The structure of the event is flexible but may include a company overview presentation, job shadowing, student/employee interaction and a question and answer period. These experiences will vary in length but will not exceed a half-day.

During this company visit, student attendees started the day with lunch with Walmart Finance and Accounting associates. Lunch was followed by a tour of the Home Office and presentations from the SVP of Finance & Strategy and CFO of Walmart stores. To end the day, students heard from current associates working in Global Tax/Global Controller's Office as well as the Accounting Finance Development Program. Special thanks to the gracious Walmart host of this event, Marsha Koch, Corporate Finance, Accounting & Finance Development Programs.


Heather Sprandel, Director
Walton College Career Center
479-575-6100, hsprandel@walton.uark.edu

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