Abortion Issues to be Debated at U of A
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – Pro-life advocate Mary Hallan-Fiorito and pro-choice supporter Katie Stack will be defend their positions on abortion during a debate hosted by University Programs at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 17in the Verizon Ballroom of the Arkansas Union. A question and answer session will take place afterwards.
This event is free to current University of Arkansas students through the student activities fee, and students must show university ID for entrance. Admission for the general public is free but contingent on seating availability. For special accommodations due to disability, please contact the Office of Student Activities, osa@uark.edu or call 479-575-5255.
Mary Hallan-FioRito is an attorney and executive assistant for the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Chicago. She has overseen pro-life activities for the Catholic Church in the Chicago area and spoken to numerous audiences on issues such as abortion and euthanasia. She holds a Juris Doctor degree from Loyola University School of Law and is a member of the bar of the State of Illinois.
Katie Stack is a writer, speaker and advocate with a background in community organizing, abortion care and reproductive health advocacy. She received an M.A. in 2012 in gender and women’s studies and nonprofit leadership. In 2010 she shared her own abortion experience on MTV’s 16 and Pregnant special “No Easy Decision.” Her writing has been featured on many online outlets and in 2011 she criticized anti-choice crisis pregnancy centers in a controversial New York Times op-ed. Since then she has investigated anti-choice organizations nationwide through The Crisis Project, which was featured in an Al Jazeera English documentary in 2012. Katie speaks regularly on college campuses about the importance of reproductive freedom.
Heather Hill, vice president
University Programs
479-575-5255, upvp@uark.edu