Office for Sustainability Needs Your Vote
The office for sustainability competes in the National Wildlife Federation Campus Ecology Video Contest. The contest is part of the Campus Conservation Nationals, a national intercollegiate competition to decrease utility consumption in residence halls across North America. The competition is hosted on Facebook and anyone with an account can vote.
The office created a video that challenges students in residence halls to switch things up and improve on their own energy conservation behaviors. The comical video, of one's personal energy-usage struggle, illustrates that taking simple steps towards energy conservation does not have to be so "dramatic."
Online voting begins April 10 and ends April 17.
- The video with the most “likes” will win $1,000.
- Second and third place winners will receive $750.
- Fourth and fifth place winners will receive $500.
The office for sustainability will host a Dead Day Jurassic Park Pizza Party, if they win the competition. “The party will be open to faculty, staff and students but we need their help to win this competition,” said Carlos Ochoa, director of the office for sustainability. “Once you visit and vote, we ask that you share the video with your social network and encourage your friends to do the same.”
Simply visit the facebook competition page and vote for the U of A office for sustainability video.
Carlos Ochoa, Director
Office for Sustainability