Razorback Ball
Associated Student Government is proud to sponsor the first annual Razorback Ball. This special event will take place from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Thursday, April 18, in the Arkansas Union Mall. On the main stage of the Union Mall, bands Lott 44 and Delta Bends will provide music while DJ Derrick will spin in the International Connections Lounge. In addition, ASG will crown the first Mr. and Miss Razorback Ball. Each RSO may nominate one individual for Mr. Razorback Ball and one individual for Miss Razorback Ball. Students who are vying for the crown must then submit a nomination form.
“I couldn't be more excited to help bring about the first Razorback Ball. This event has the potential to revive the old UA 'Porker Party' tradition and become a staple that students look forward to year after year. I hope to see the Union packed with students out to celebrate the end of another great school year with their friends and Razorback family,” said ASG President Tori Pohlner.
For your Mr. and Mrs. Razorback Ball nominations, please fill out the attached form, and submit it to the office of student activities (ARKU A-665) by noon Friday, April 11.
Mark your calendars, spread the word, dress up, and come out to enjoy an evening of music, food, fun, and crowning of the first ever Mr. and Miss. Razorback Ball.
Associated Student Government is proud to partner with the Division of Student Affairs, University Programs, Residents’ Interhall Congress, and Northwest Quad to make this event possible.
If you have any questions, please contact Amy May West, Razorback Ball chair, at amw035@uark.edu.
Amy May West, Razorback Ball Chair
Associated Student Government
479-575-5255, amw035@email.uark.edu