Global Access to Wireless Available for UARK Users
The IT Services Network Engineering Team is pleased to announce that researchers, faculty, staff and students can now access secure wireless using a UARK email address and password at any eduroam participating institution around the globe. As a participating member of eduroam, the University of Arkansas joins an international research and education community offering wireless access to visitors from other participating institutions.
With eduroam, the home institution verifies credentials and the visited network provides network access. For example, when a University of Arkansas researcher accesses the wireless network at the London Business School, his or her UARK email address and password are verified by the University of Arkansas, while network access is granted by the London Business School. Similarly, a visiting scholar from the University of Hong Kong will be granted access to a secure wireless network at the University of Arkansas using his or her University of Hong Kong credentials.
The growing eduroam network, funded in part by the National Science Foundation and Internet2 Net+, is available in 54 countries, with 94 active participating institutions in the United States. A list of participating U.S. institutions is available at The eduroam confederation encourages collaboration across institutional boundaries and reduces administrative overhead by minimizing the effort required to offer guest credentials or provide guest networks.
To learn more about eduroam, go to For network news on campus, Like the University of Arkansas Network Engineering Team Facebook page, or follow uark_net on Twitter or Instragram.
Erin Griffin, Documentation/User Support Specialist
IT Services