University of Arkansas to Launch Campus Conservation Nationals
The University of Arkansas will host a kickoff party on Thursday for the launch of the Campus Conservation Nationals. The Campus Conservation Nationals is a competition to reduce energy consumption in residence halls. The party will be held on Health, Physical Education and Recreation Gym 3 from 5:30 to 8 p.m.
The office of sustainability will be at the party to discuss the details of the Campus Conservation Nationals. The established goal is to reduce energy consumption by $1 per student per week over a period of three weeks. Students and the university’s housing staff are highly encouraged to attend in order to learn more about the program.
Free Jimmy John’s, drinks, music, Frisbee games, crafts, a game of Humans Versus Zombies, and more will be provided at the party. During the crafting, residents will be guided in creating residence hall Campus Conservation Nationals banners. The first 100 residents in attendance will be given a dinosaur t-shirts.
For more information about the event and the program, follow the Campus Conservation Nationals on twitter @uaofs, like them on Facebook, and visit the website Questions or comments about the program may be sent to
Stevi Casey, Public Relations Intern
UA Housing