Journal of National Academy of Inventors Seeks Submissions
The journal Technology and Innovation – Proceedings of the National Academy of Inventors, is currently soliciting manuscripts for a special issue: Innovations in Rural Regions.
The National Academy of Inventors, which recently accepted the University of Arkansas as a charter member, edits Technology and Innovation, which presents information encompassing the entire field of applied sciences with a focus on technology and academic innovation, and welcomes manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence.
For the special issue, the journal is interested in articles and reviews addressing advancements and improvements of various technologies associated with rural areas. Relevant topics include: inventions or products that originated from the needs of specific rural regions, including agriculture, health care, environmental safety, transportation and communication; and novel applications of region-specific resources, such as alternative fuels, water purification and/or decontamination systems, wind/solar power and unique landscapes.
The deadline for abstract submissions is March 29. The submission should contain the following: title, author affiliation, abstract of no more than 250 words, key words, and contact information. All submitted articles will be peer-reviewed and are generally written for a multidisciplinary audience.
Abstracts should be emailed to Kumi Nagamoto-Combs at the University of North Dakota at, and Ginger Johnson, managing editor of Technology and Innovation at Selected authors will be contacted with further instructions on full manuscript submissions.
Jim Rankin, vice provost for research and economic development
Academic Affairs