Connect With Human Resources Via Social Media
There’s a lot going on in Human Resources right now and with all of this activity, there’s a lot of information that is pertinent to you, the entire campus community, and your families! In Human Resources, they understand that you’re busy and may not have time to read all your emails in detail or come in to the HR office with your questions and concerns. That why the HR staff is excited to announce new ways you can connect with them. Beginning with Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, they’re bringing HR to you. Here are just a few ways the new pages can help you:
Facebook: Our Facebook page is for everyone, from people who are already a part of the university community to those who would like to be, the office of human resources will include information about upcoming events and workshops, weekly job postings, and general information that’s relevant to you. Since it’s a business page, members of the human resources office won’t see anything beyond what your privacy settings allow (for help in managing your privacy settings, here’s Facebook’s own information page, as well as a helpful guide from Lifehacker), keeping your business and personal lives separate.
Twitter: HR also has a Twitter page, @UofA_HR, where HR focuses mostly on information that’s relevant to university employees; information about changes to benefits, reminders about classes and deadlines, and other information in a quick, simple format. In addition, the Twitter page provides a list of all the job postings with the university (updated daily), making it even easier to share jobs with those you know. You’ll also be able to contact us with your questions, concerns, and suggestions and the HR staff will be able to get back to you promptly.
LinkedIn: For those looking to build their professional network, LinkedIn is one of the best places to do it! In addition to providing you with a strong base on your resume, the university’s LinkedIn page will soon include job postings for positions all across campus.
Right now the pages are small as HR staff is just beginning, but as you connect with them on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, give them feedback and share jobs and relevant information with your friends and family, then both the pages and our campus can grow and flourish together. The HR staff is excited about being able to connect with you in new ways and use these new tools to better support campus goals of enhancing diversity among employees and students and better disseminate important HR information to you in a quick and efficient manner.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, feel free to email or call Andrew Chandler in Human Resources at 575-6103 or Or better yet, let HR know on Facebook or Twitter.
Aria Andrus, Instructional Designer
Human Resources