Three ASG Members to Represent Students at State Capitol Today

ASG members Grand Hodges, Will Hanson, and Tyler Wells are representing University of Arkansas students in Little Rock today.
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ASG members Grand Hodges, Will Hanson, and Tyler Wells are representing University of Arkansas students in Little Rock today.

Three Associated Student Government members will be traveling to Little Rock Tuesday, Jan. 29, to discuss issues pertaining to University of Arkansas students. ASG State Student Advocacy Committee members Grant Hodges, Will Hanson, and Tyler Wells will meet with various state officials at the State Capitol.

The purpose of the trip is to meet with key stakeholders in higher education, get an idea of the outlook for the session, and begin the process of advocating for the issues important to students.

The student leaders will be hearing from former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush; meet with state Sen. Johnny Key, chairman of the Arkansas Lottery Commission Legislative Oversight Committee; Shane Broadway, director of the Arkansas Department of Higher Education; and Speaker of the House Davy Carter.

In addition, they plan to discuss and advocate the proposed 2.6 percent increase in higher education funding, lottery scholarship changes, and border state scholarships.

“These student leaders are passionate about discussing issues with state officials. They are going to be advocating issues that directly affect students here at the University of Arkansas,” said Rudy Trejo, assistant director of student activities and ASG adviser.

A presentation on their meetings and findings will be given to ASG Senate, Cabinet and executive officers in the coming weeks.


Rudy Trejo, Assistant Director
Office of Student Activities


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