Overview Offered of Next Generation Science Standards

Michele Snyder, science program adviser for curriculum and instruction for the Arkansas Department of Education, will give an overview of the final draft of the Next Generation Science Standards at a lunch meeting at noon Monday, Jan. 14.

The meeting is sponsored by the STEM Center for Math and Science Education at the
University of Arkansas. It will take place from noon to 1 p.m. in Room 202 of West Avenue Annex. There is no charge but reservations are required for lunch. RSVP to Lesley Merritt at lmerritt@uark.edu.

Synder will also give directions on how to take a final public survey on the draft. Overviews of changes made by Achieve will be addressed including changes in architecture of the standards, science and engineering practices and cross-cutting concepts.


Heidi Wells, director of communications
College of Education and Health Professions
479-575-3138, heidisw@uark.edu

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