Employee of the Quarter Winner: Jason Adams
Jason Adams, assistant director for the Sam M. Walton College of Business honors program, was chosen as Employee of the Quarter for the first quarter of 2012-13 in the category of Professional/Non-Faculty Academic. He was nominated for the Staff Senate award after being named employee of the quarter in the Walton College of Business. Adams has worked at the University of Arkansas for over 10 years.
Adams’ nomination was submitted by Molly Rapert, director of the Walton honors program, on behalf of their team at Walton College, and it is jam-packed with accolades and accomplishments including:
- Overseeing more students in the Freshman Business Connections program than any other Academic Counselor this semester;
- Putting a new ‘spin’ on the way students learn about themselves and their surrounding communities by bringing in recruiters from Sam’s for some hands-on sessions and requiring the students to attend the annual career fair;
- Organizing a trip for himself and two students to visit with representatives at two other post-secondary institutions in order to get new ideas to help broaden the current honors program;
- Organizing the FBC Bowl, a football game between the Walton honors program and the Freshman Business Learning Teams;
- Coordinating an Honors Alumni tailgating event at this year’s homecoming football game.
Adams also worked to raise honors requirements and established the Walton Honors Student Executive Board. He worked tirelessly at keeping the honors program's social media sites (Facebook, Twitter) up to date and built the Facebook page to promote networking between current and past students. Rapert says in her nomination: “If you ever stop to listen to Jason talk about the honors program, he becomes a different person. He makes eye contact, his voice picks up in tone, and he becomes energized. He makes me want to work harder because HE is working so hard to push the program forward.”
Congratulations to Jason Adams on an honor that is well deserved!
Kelly Carter, EOQ Chair
Staff Senate
479-575-7685, kmcarte@uark.edu