Congressman Womack Visits University of Arkansas Research Center
(from left to right) Congressman Steve Womack, Roy McCann and Alan Mantooth discuss issues facing the nation’s electric power grid in a visit to NCREPT this month.
The National Center for Reliable Electric Power Transmission was pleased to host Congressman Steve Womack earlier this month. The congressman toured the center as part of a visit to the University of Arkansas campus.
University of Arkansas faculty and staff showed Womack and his staff the center’s facilities and discussed the research that is conducted there. Distinguished Professor Alan Mantooth, executive director of NCREPT, led the tour along with professor Roy McCann and T.A. Walton, NCREPT managing director.
Womack, Mantooth and McCann discussed issues related to energy infrastructure, research and implementation. They also discussed the role of NCREPT and another University of Arkansas center, the Grid-connected Power Electronic Systems, in developing and testing new ideas and how the two centers fit in with the goals of both state and federal government energy initiatives.
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Kim Gillow, Admin Support Supervisor
Electrical Engineering