It All Starts Here: Resume Building Workshop This Evening

It All Starts Here: Resume Building Workshop This Evening
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It All Starts Here: Resume Building Workshop is brought to you by ALPFA University of Arkansas chapter. It will be from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 23, at the Walton College of Business Room 234.

The first 40 resumes will get a makeover by the career center.

Students will then go over the revised resumes with recruiters from companies such as Wal-Mart, PWC, and other professionals belonging to the Northwest Arkansas ALPFA professional chapter.

Wear business casual. Jimmy Johns will be served.

This event is free for ALPFA members and ALPFA points are eligible.

For more info, like the group on Facebook!


Jose Castaneda, ALPFA Chief Operating Officer & VP Membership
ALPFA University of Arkansas Chapter

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