A Change Is Coming to ISIS
A new method for submitting and approving ISIS administrative security requests is coming soon. This new request format will bring changes for everyone involved in requesting, approving or receiving ISIS security.
No more paper, signatures or fax machines will be needed for requesting ISIS security. With the new automated process, supervisors submit a request for employee security by completing an online form in ISIS. Once submitted, employment requirements are verified and the request moves forward through the approval process.
The new format requires only the online approval of the designated unit director, eliminating the need for the two authorization signatures used on the current paper request. Any designated approver who does not currently have an ISIS account will receive access for this purpose.
Once approved by the unit director, all areas from which access has been requested receive notification that security needs to be set. When all access has been added an e-mail is sent to the new user with instructions for logging into ISIS.
The new ISIS security request will be used for all appointed and hourly employees, new employees, requesting additional security for existing users, or the removal of ISIS access when an employee changes departments or leaves campus.
Look for detailed information and instructions for requesting ISIS security and approving the new online form in the near future. The change is coming very soon!
ISIS Team,
479-575-2468, isis-sec@uark.edu