Pi Beta Phi Celebrates 100-Plus Years on Campus

Pi Beta Phi Celebrates 100-Plus Years on Campus
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FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – The University of Arkansas and Pi Beta Phi communities celebrated the dedication of the Pi Beta Phi Centennial Gate at the University of Arkansas at 1 p.m. Friday, Sept. 21. The gate is located on Maple Street at the intersection of the former Campus Drive near Memorial Hall.

In 2007, a group of Pi Beta Phi alumnae and University of Arkansas administrators gathered to discuss options for recognizing the organization’s long history on campus, and plans for the centennial gate were born. The idea — part of the campus’ existing beautification plan — was to create a formal entrance to the north side of campus, leading to Old Main, Vol Walker Hall and the historic center of the university. A fundraising effort, launched in 2009, raised more than $1 million in contributions from students, parents, alumni and friends of the Arkansas Alpha chapter.

“The University of Arkansas has a long history of alumni and friends who are deeply loyal and dedicated to the university and to each other,” said Chancellor G. David Gearhart. “This beautiful gate is a remarkable gift, one that symbolizes the long and distinguished history on this campus of Pi Beta Phi, the powerful bonds of sisterhood and this chapter's enduring love for their alma mater.

“This new landmark commemorates Pi Phi’s first 100 years and will still be standing strong when future generations gather here to celebrate the organization’s bicentennial,” Gearhart continued. “We accept this gift with gratitude to the generous sisters and friends who made it possible.”

Pi Beta Phi, the first nationally recognized women’s fraternity, was the first organization to form an alumnae department in 1893, the first to organize a national philanthropic project in 1910 and the first to establish an alumnae advisory committee for each chapter in 1913. The Arkansas Alpha chapter’s philanthropic activities focus on children and literacy. They have been recognized campuswide for community engagement and academic excellence.

“We are very proud of this accomplishment,” said Marilynn Porter (B.A. 1975), a member of the volunteer steering committee. “Volunteers and staff worked very hard to bring this vision to life, and we are thrilled to see so many students, parents, alumni and friends coming together in support of this special project. Every gift helped to bring us closer to our goal, and we hope this gate becomes a beloved part of campus for all students, alumni and visitors. It is certainly cherished by the Pi Phis.”

The Pi Beta Phi Steering Committee for this effort includes Julia Peck Mobley (B.S.E. 1965) of Texarkana, Karen Kennedy Morton (B.A. 1976) of Springdale, Patty Shelton Pyle (B.S.E. 1972) of Little Rock, and Porter of Little Rock.

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