Local High School Seniors Sought for Matched Savings Program
Researchers in the School of Social Work are seeking high school seniors in Fayetteville, Springdale, and Lincoln public schools to participate in a youth savings program that is designed to help low- and moderate-income seniors. The students will receive up to $1,000 in matching funds to use toward their college or technical training programs after they graduate from high school. Eligibility for program participation is based on parental income (200% of poverty, or $46,100 adjusted gross income for a family of four).
Professor Marcia Shobe and associate professor Kameri Christy received a grant from the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation to fund a total of $40,000 for 40 local 12th grade students who choose to participate in the Youth Individual Development Account program. The program will match "dollar for dollar" up to $1,000 in student savings between September 2012 and May 2013. The tota; savings, up to $2,000, are to be used for post-secondary educational purposes.
The Economic Opportunity Agency of Washington County will be responsible for managing the accounts. In addition to matching funds, seniors in the program will receive seven hours of economic literacy education. They will also receive $15 for their time to complete a survey that asks questions regarding their personal, economic and social well-being. Students will be asked to complete the survey at one- and two-year follow up points; they will be paid $15 for their time in both instances.
The researchers also seek a control group of 12th graders who are eligible to participate in the program but who choose not to. These seniors will complete the survey at each of the three data collection points and will be compensated $15 for their time (for a total of $45).
If you know of a high school senior who would be interested in learning more about the Youth Individual Development Account Program, please have him or her (or a parent) contact Anna Piazza at anorth@uark.edu. Students can also ask their high school guidance counselor for more details. More information is also available on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/YouthIdaProgram.
Marcia Shobe, Professor
School of Social Work
479-575-4510, mshobe@uark.edu