Faculty to Provide Free Test Forms, Thanks to ASG
This past summer, U of A faculty members began delivering test forms (scantrons, blue books, etc) for students with each exam. This initiative is being funded by the Associated Student Government and will serve several goals of the University:
- These test forms are needed by almost every student for their academic coursework each semester.
- Academic integrity can be upheld by preventing students from bringing pre-filled test forms to class.
- The University has adopted a “Students First” campaign, and this initiative helps to serve this motto in providing for the students in an academic setting.
Discussions about this initiative have resulted in development of the process listed below:
Faculty should have updated their syllabi to reflect this change (students will no longer bring test materials with them to the classroom).
Administrative assistants will order their department’s test material needs through their normal ordering process with the Bookstore (free of charge).
Departments need to have a centralized storage area for these test materials until faculty members pick them up before the test.
Test materials will be handed out by faculty with the tests to the students.
If faculty have questions, they should contact their department's administrative assistants.
If students have questions they should contact ASG Director of Academic Affairs, Chris Bruick at cbruick@uark.edu.
Rudy Trejo, Assistant Director of Student Activities
Office of Student Activities
575-5255, rgtrejo@uark.edu