Matlock named Executive Director of the Office for Sustainability
Marty Matlock, professor of biological and agricultural engineering, has been named as the first executive director of the campus-wide office for sustainability at the University of Arkansas. Provost Sharon Gaber and Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Mike Johnson appointed Matlock to demonstrate the increased emphasis on sustainability across all campus activities.
“Marty brings a broad and integrated perspective to the challenges of sustainability” said Gaber. “He will engage students, staff, faculty, and the UA community around the world in implementing a common vision for sustainability programs at the University of Arkansas. The office for sustainability will play a central role in providing innovative solutions and perspectives to some of the most complex challenges we face on campus, in our communities, and across Arkansas.”
Candidates for the position of director for the office for sustainability are being interviewed in the coming weeks.
Matlock will coordinate program implementation and strategy development for sustainability activities across the U of A community. He will work with Johnson to coordinate the director and staff of the office for sustainability in a number of sustainability initiatives. The U of A Sustainability Council, composed of representatives of academic units and student groups, will advise the office for sustainability.
“Sustainability is a core principle at the University of Arkansas,” said Johnson. “Matlock will help bring the elements in place across campus together for increased impact,” said Johnson.
Matlock is a board certified environmental engineer in sustainable design and an internationally recognized expert in sustainability metrics and assessment. He joined the University of Arkansas in 2001, and serves as area director for the UA Division of Agriculture Center for Agricultural and Rural Sustainability. His collaboration with the university Community Design Center has resulted in more than 20 national and international sustainability design awards. Matlock also works with The Sustainability Consortium in the Sam M. Walton College of Business to develop a global platform for science-based metrics for sustainable production of consumer packaged goods. Matlock received the Distinguished Faculty Achievement Award for Service from the Arkansas Alumni Association in 2011. Faculty and students with teaching, research and outreach interests in sustainability can reach Matlock at sustain@uark.edufor information and opportunities for collaboration.
Sharon Gaber, vice chancellor and provost
Academic Affairs
Steve Voorhies, manager of media relations
University Relations