Students Have First Day Questions, Help-A-Hog Volunteers Have Answers
Students who are feeling lost on the first day of classes – whether they are freshmen who don’t know where all the buildings are, or seniors trying to navigate around new construction – can get answers on campus from volunteers in the Help-A-Hog program.
For the first two days of classes 10 information tables will be set up at strategic locations in high traffic areas around the center of campus (see map). The tables are staffed all day by students, faculty and staff members ready to answer most first day questions. Like:
What does PEAH mean?
Well, where is Peabody Hall?
How do I get there from here?
My class is in room 309 – where is that in the building?
Is there a restroom nearby?
The volunteers are equipped with notebooks filled with the complete fall class schedule, campus maps, parking maps, transit maps, a university phone directory, even general information about the academic colleges.
“Help-A-Hog provides an excellent opportunity for the University of Arkansas community to welcome incoming students and help them find their way around the university,” said Chase Young, program specialist for new student and family programs in student affairs. “We also will be answering questions on our Twitter account, @UARKHelpAHog or Facebook at New Student and Family Programs – University of Arkansas.”
Chase Young, Program Specialist for New Student Programs
New Student & Family Programs
Steve Voorhies, manager of media relations
University Relations