Malshe Elected Fellow of Materials Society

Ajay Malshe
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Ajay Malshe

Ajay Malshe, Distinguished Professor and Twenty-First Century Endowed Chair in Materials, Manufacturing and Integrated Systems has been selected as a fellow of ASM International, formerly known as the American Society for Materials.

ASM International is a society of over 36,000 materials scientists and engineers worldwide. According to its website, "ASM provides authoritative information and knowledge on materials and processes, from the structural to the nanoscale."

Malshe has won over 30 international, national and regional awards and recognitions, mentored hundreds of undergraduate and graduate students and numerous post-doctoral associates. He is recognized worldwide for his fundamental and applied contributions to the fields of nanotechnology, electronics packaging and materials surface engineering. He is the founder of NanoMech, a business which promotes the application of nanotech materials and manufacturing innovations.

Malshe is also a fellow of other prestigious societies including the American Society for Mechanical Engineering and the Institute of Physics.


Camilla Medders, director of communications
College of Engineering

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