Tips on Elder Care Seminar
Along with having a full-time, paying job, many people return home after work to devote themselves to the unpaid care of their chronically ill or disabled family members. The stress involved in the care-giving process can cause burnout and do damage to your physical and mental health. This seminar will provide information to caregivers on such concerns as making decisions on nursing home or assisted living placement.
Information will be shared on how to decide when it may no longer be appropriate for an older person to live at home. Special needs of older persons will be reviewed, as well as, tips on how to take care of yourself while taking care of others. If you find yourself or someone you know in this situation, please join human resources staff for this Employee Development Session sponsored by the Arkansas Employee Assistance Program.
The session will take place on Wednesday, Aug. 8, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Pat Walker Health Center, Room 283. All university employees, students, and any family members are invited to attend this session. If you are interested in attending, please sign up online at Please contact Aria Andrus at or 575-4432 if you have any questions about this session.
Aria Andrus, Instructional Designer