Online Scammers Take Advantage of 2012 Summer Olympics
With the start of the 2012 Summer Olympic Games, cyber criminals and online scammers will try to take advantage of users with offers of breaking news, exclusive videos, free merchandise, and discounted tickets.
Cyber criminals frequently take advantage of highly publicized events and popular news stories to trick users into clicking on fraudulent links and unknowingly download malware or other viruses onto their computers, smartphones, tablets, and other wireless devices. They also use search engine optimization tricks to ensure that malicious sites appear on search result pages and try to convince Internet users to provide credit card and personal information.
To avoid these scams, follow these cyber security practices:
- Update and run antivirus and antispyware software regularly.
- Use spam filters and firewalls.
- Don't click on links promising deals that you weren't expecting.
- Scrutinize links carefully when searching for pages about the Olympics.
- Don’t open emails from unknown individuals or organizations or that have attachments or links, and never click on a link in an unsolicited email.
- Only download apps and software from reputable sources. If you can’t verify where it's coming from, don't download it.
- Never provide your personal information or credit card numbers unless you can verify a site's authenticity.
Erin Griffin, Documentation/User Support Specialist
IT Services