Faculty and Staff Invited to Contribute to iTunes U
IT Services announces the launch of the University of Arkansas iTunes U. With iTunes U, colleges and universities share audio, video, and course content with users worldwide.
The University of Arkansas iTunes U is currently in the pilot phase. As soon as IT Services receives the required number of contributions, the university iTunes U presence will become public. Faculty and staff are encouraged to contribute content to be published on iTunes U by contacting webteam@uark.edu. When the pilot phase is complete, faculty and staff will be able to post content directly to iTunes U.
Keep up-to-date with IT Services news at http://its.uark.edu or subscribe at http://its.uark.edu/news_subscribe.html. Updates are also available at http://facebook.com/uarkits.
Erin Griffin, Documentation/User Support Specialist
IT Services
575-2901, ecgriff@uark.edu