Student Support Services Congratulates their 2012 Graduates

Back row, from left: Klassic Hopson and Xavier Scaife; second row: Denise Wick and Courtney Bradford; third row: Ricky L. Crumpton and Kara Willis; front row: Michele Hagelin and Chrystal Ford.
Not Pictured: Quint'Nesha Williams
Photo Submitted

Back row, from left: Klassic Hopson and Xavier Scaife; second row: Denise Wick and Courtney Bradford; third row: Ricky L. Crumpton and Kara Willis; front row: Michele Hagelin and Chrystal Ford. Not Pictured: Quint'Nesha Williams

Student Support Services would like to congratulate its 2012 graduates on a job well done. The SSS Team wishes them all the best in their future endeavors!


La Shauna Burkett, Student Development Specialist
Student Support Services

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