Discuss 'The American Diet' with Food, Health and Science Experts

The University of Arkansas chapter of science research society Sigma Xi will host its fifth installment of the Science Café series on Tuesday, April 24. The topic is set as “The American Diet.”

Three expert panelists in the food, health and science fields will take 10-minute turns talking about the subject before fielding a Q&A session from attendees.

Navam Hettiarachchy, professor of food science; Susan Patton, instructor in the Eleanor School of Nursing; and Cindy Moore, a clinical assistant professor in the School of Human Environmental Sciences, will be the panelists.

The event is open to the public and there is no charge to attend. It will take place at Powerhouse Restaurant in Fayetteville and begin at 6:30 p.m. Food and drinks will be available for purchase.


Lynne Hehr, Coordinator
Science Cafe
479-575-3875, lhehr@uark.edu

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