Dustin Dingenthal, University Chapter of American Marketing Association Win Awards

Dustin Dingenthal, a senior marketing major in the Sam M. Walton College of Business, won the Northwestern Mutual Sales Competition at the 34th annual International Collegiate American Marketing Association Conference, held during March in New Orleans.

The University of Arkansas chapter of the American Marketing Association as a whole received honorable mentions in the Community Service and Communication part of its annual report.

The Northwestern Mutual Sales Competition consisted of 50 individuals from across the nation and a select few countries. Each individual had 10 minutes to sell any product of their choosing, real or fictional. It was judged by Northwestern Mutual, and the top five winners were awarded cash prizes.

Dingenthal, as well as the rest of the student organization, thinks it is very important to let current and prospective students know how the Walton College and the American Marketing Association prepared him for this competition and gave him the edge necessary to be named champion. The members of the organization believe that these are very notable accomplishments and that they also serve as testaments to the level of education and excellence at the Walton College and specifically the marketing department.

While at the conference, University of Arkansas students were able to attend many career building events, hear notable guest speakers and take part in intercollegiate competitions.


Nicole, Cox
575-4055, ncox@uark.edu

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