View the HR Forum via Blackboard Collaborate

If you aren’t physically able to make it to today’s Human Resources Forum and would still like to participate, the forum will be available for employees to view via their computers by using Blackboard Collaborate.

Simply follow this link to Blackboard Collaborate log-in page, enter your name and log in to the session. You may log in to the forum 60 minutes prior to the meeting, which is scheduled to run from 9 to 10:30 am. It’s best to log in to the forum about 10-15 minutes prior to the beginning of the session to familiarize yourself with the Blackboard Collaborate interface and make sure your speakers are working properly.

You may also be asked to get the required software to run Blackboard Collaborate, which is just a Java download. If you have any other questions on how to use Blackboard Collaborate, please refer to the Blackboard Collaborate webpage.


Aria Andrus, Program Coordinator

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