20 Classes in 12 Weeks? UREC Challenges You!

Zumba Group Exercise class
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Zumba Group Exercise class

University Recreation is committed to offering a variety of fitness opportunities throughout the year, enabling the campus community to live healthier, balanced and active lives.

The UREC Fitness/Wellness program has developed a new and exciting fitness challenge to help participants achieve success. The “20 Class Pass Challenge” will require participation in the following group exercise classes: Cycle Express, Yoga, Sunrise Yoga, Power Yoga, PiYo, Ballet Pump, Pilates, Body Sculpt, Triple Fit, Lethal Legs, Amped Up, GET FIT, RIPPED, Rock Hard Abs, Zumba, Capoeira, Belly Dance, Turbokick, 30/30, and Aquarobics. The challenge will begin on Monday, February 6 and run through Thursday, May 3, 2012.

Any current HPER member who would like to participate in the challenge simply needs to come to one of the 20 qualifying group exercise classes and pick up a UREC Group Fitness card. At the end of each qualified group exercise class, a fitness monitor will be on hand to stamp the fitness card.

Participants will turn in the completed, stamped fitness card to the fitness monitor after getting it stamped for all 20 classes. The fitness card must be turned in by the last group exercise class on Thursday, May 3.

Each person who has completed the challenge and turned in the fitness card will be entered into a drawing to win a prize. The first place winner will receive a TRX Suspension Training System & BOSU, the second place winner will receive three UREC personal training sessions and the third place winner will receive a UREC one-hour massage.  All participants who complete the challenge will receive a free UREC giveaway.

For a schedule of the 2012 spring group exercise classes, click here. For questions, please contact Jessica Graham at jlg027@uark.edu or 479-575-3542.


Lindsay Smith , Public Information Coordinator
University Recreation
575-2662, ltlarso@uark.edu

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