Employee Assistance Program: Get to Know Us Sooner than Later

“Something needs to change. I just can’t keep going like this. I have been thinking for months that I ought to visit with someone.”

Have you ever had these thoughts? It’s not uncommon for people to put off seeking help until problems have escalated and begun to affect home life, work performance and even health.

Many employees express hesitance because they aren’t sure they really “need” help, or think they don’t have time to squeeze in something for themselves. Some have forgotten that services of the Employee Assistance Program are available, free and confidential.

One of the real benefits of the Employee Assistance Program is that it is a good resource to deal with stressors early on. Hopefully, life will be smooth and perhaps the Employee Assistance Program services won’t be needed. But if an issue presents itself or stressors are having a big impact, familiarity with the Employee Assistance Program services can make it easier for employees to address problems sooner rather than later.

Following a recent redesign by UAMS Creative Services, the Employee Assistance Program website is more user friendly and provides easy access to Web resources for work and life issues. The program invites university faculty and staff to visit www.uams.edu/eap and become familiar with the free, confidential services provided by the Employee Assistance Program.


Mike Huddleston,
Arkansas Employee Assistanc Program
501-686-2576, HuddlestonJohnM@uams.edu

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