Alumnus to Give Green Chemistry Lecture

The department of chemistry and biochemistry Fall Lecture Series concludes with alumnus Tom Goodwin, Hendrix College, who will present “Green Chemistry and Chemical Ecology: Adventures in Research with Undergraduates and Other Mammals,” at 3:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 28, in CHEM 144.

In 2007, Goodwin received a Green Chemistry in Education Award from the Pfizer pharmaceutical company. He is a member of Phi Kappa Alpha and has received the David W. Mellor Medal for Chemical Education by the University of New South Wales and was selected as the U.S. Professor of the Year (for baccalaureate colleges), awarded by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). 

He is the Elbert L. Fausett Distinguished Professor of Chemistry at Hendrix College. In 1974, Goodwin received a Doctor of Philosophy in chemistry from the University of Arkansas under the late Walt Meyer.

Goodwin's primary research interests are in the areas of chemical ecology, especially mammalian chemical communication and the development of green organic chemistry experiments for the introductory laboratory. 

A reception will take place after the seminar in CHEM 105.

For more information, see or contact seminar chair Matt McIntosh,

The event is open to the public.


Jennifer Sims, editor
chemistry and biochemistry

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