Assessment of Professional Development Needs

The university’s employee development program and the Employee Development Advisory Council have created a brief survey to determine how best to serve the University of Arkansas community through professional development and training opportunities.

All faculty and staff are invited to take part in this survey. Please follow the link provided in the email sent to your email account. As a participant, you will be asked general questions about training and development activities, including specific professional development topics, certificate programs, and wellness programs. Please take a few minutes of your time to complete this questionnaire and help us better serve you.

The information gathered will be used to assist the employee development program in providing the various professional development opportunities you request. Individuals may only take the survey once, and confidentiality is guaranteed to the extent of the law and university policy. The survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. Please begin the survey only when you have time to answer it as you cannot reenter the survey once you have closed your browser. Help us better serve you by taking part in this needs assessment.


Aria Andrus, Program Coordinator

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