Accepting Nominations for Outstanding Faculty Adviser and Professional Adviser
The Academic Advising Council is currently soliciting nominations for the University of Arkansas Academic Advising Awards. Two advising awards are bestowed annually — one to a faculty adviser and one to a professional adviser.
The recipients each receive a cash award, are recognized at a reception held in their honor, and are nominated for the National Academic Advising Association advising awards. The selection committee will evaluate nominations on the evidence of qualities and practices that distinguish the nominee as an outstanding adviser.
Nomination packets must be submitted by Tuesday, Nov. 15. For the nomination form and further information, go to
The Academic Advising Council serves as the advisory group for undergraduate academic advising and reports to the provost regarding all matters related to its charge. The council is responsible with assisting the institution to increase the academic success and retention of undergraduate students by highlighting and providing additional support to the academic advising processes. With this charge, we have the opportunity to select individuals who have had a positive impact on student success through their role as an academic adviser.
Susan Bristow, Chair, Academic Advising Council
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