Annual Donation Drive for Catastrophic Leave Bank Program
The Catastrophic Leave Bank Program assists eligible university employees through medical emergencies, injuries, and illnesses incurred by them or eligible family members after the employees exhaust their earned sick leave, annual leave, holidays, and compensatory time.
During fiscal year 2011, 42 university employees received assistance from this program.
There are two separate catastrophic leave banks: one for faculty and one for classified and non-classified staff. Only faculty may donate to the faculty bank, and only faculty may receive awarded catastrophic leave hours from the faculty bank. Only staff may donate to the staff bank, and only staff may receive awarded catastrophic leave hours from the staff bank.
Human Resources will conduct a donation drive for this program during the month of November 2011.
Information and donation forms are available from your departmental leave representative and on the Human Resources downloadable PDF. Only 100 percent appointed employees are eligible to participate in the Catastrophic Leave Bank Program. Donations are strictly voluntary and employees do not need to be donors to participate in the program. Donations must be made in one-hour increments and there is no limit to the amount of hours that may be donated. However, a donation cannot be accepted if it would reduce the combined sick and annual leave balances of the donor to less than 80 hours. Leave donations are only accepted during donation drives or at an employee’s end of employment.
If you would like to donate to the Catastrophic Leave Bank, please contact your departmental leave representative to obtain a donation form or download the form from our webpage. Your completed donation form should be given to your department leave representative no later than Nov. 30.
If you have questions about the program, please contact Leah Williams at 575-7618 or email at
Leah Williams,
Human Resources