Razorback Yearbook Available This Week

The 2011 edition of the University of Arkansas Razorback Yearbook, Volume 114, will be distributed from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 10, and Wednesday, Oct. 11. Students can pick up their free copy of the 2010-2011 yearbook in the Union Mall or outside Brough Commons.

The Razorback Yearbook is a completely run student publication, dedicated to covering life at the University of Arkansas. This full color, 350 page edition features exceptional photography, writing, and cutting edge design that capture the experience of the 2010-2011 school year. Meet the staff who put it all together as they share their final, award winning creation, free of charge for students.

For more information, or to reserve your copy of the 2012 book, please contact the Razorback yearbook at therazorbackyearbook@gmail.com or call 501-999-9999.


Nick Carter, editor
Razorback Yearbook
501-999-9999, TheRazorbackYearbook@gmail.com

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