U of A German Section Conducts Outreach to Local Schools

In honor of National German Week held during the first week of October each year, the German Section at the University of Arkansas has organized an immersion program and picnic with German instructors at area schools.  On Tuesday, October 4, approximately 80 German students from Ramay and Woodland Junior High Schools, Fayetteville High School, Springdale High School, and Heritage High School in Rogers will meet at Murphy Park in Springdale to play games that will require teams comprised of students from each school to use their German skills to complete tasks together.

This event is part of a larger celebration of National German Week that includes a traditional "Liederabend" (evening of singing) featuring professional musician Clarke Buehling on Monday and a "Stammtisch in the Park" gathering on Friday at Wilson Park.


Dr. Kathleen Condray, German Section Head
World Languages
575-5938, condray@uark.edu

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