University Recreation to Host Multiple Special Events During October

University Recreation to Host Multiple Special Events During October
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The department of University Recreation is hosting several special events during the month of October. All HPER members, students and faculty/staff are encouraged to attend.

The “Punt, Pass, and Kick” competition is from 6-9:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 9 on the north field of the University Recreation Sports Complex. During this event, participants will have two chances to punt, pass and kick a football as far as possible in order to achieve the highest combined score. There will a men’s and women’s division. The winner of each division will receive an intramural championship t-shirt. This event is free and registration will be onsite the day of the event.

According to the Washington Post, 28 percent of traffic accidents occur because people talk on cellphones or send text messages while driving. To inform the public of the dangers of distracted driving, University Recreation is hosting an event from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday, Oct. 10 in HPER 320. There will be a simulator onsite that will allow participants to drive and text simultaneously. There will also be a short video shown throughout the day on the hazards of texting and driving. “Multitasking while driving has become a major public safety concern,” said Lindsay Smith, public information coordinator. “The purpose of this event is to serve as a reality check on the hazards of doing more than driving behind the wheel.”

Try out University Recreation’s group cycle classes at Celebrate Cycle, a two-day event, to be held from 5-7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 13 from and from noon to 2 p.m. Friday, Oct.14. UREC will be offering free mini Group Cycle classes back-to-back during the event. Free group cycle coupons will be given away throughout the event. There will be a make-your-own yogurt parfait bar when participants are finished with the cycle session.

For additional information regarding these events, please contact Sam Fehr at or 575-7382.


Sam Fehr , Graduate Assistant
University Recreation

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