Teaching Academy Invites Nominations for Imhoff Award
The awards committee of the Teaching Academy invites deans, department heads, and faculty members to nominate deserving faculty for the Dr. John and Mrs. Lois Imhoff Award for Outstanding Teaching and Student Mentorship. The $1,000 award was endowed by the Imhoffs to recognize a full-time University of Arkansas faculty member who has demonstrated consistent and committed (1) excellence in teaching an introductory or basic course in their field and (2) excellence in mentoring students.
Three finalists for the award will be recognized at the annual Teaching Academy banquet on Dec. 5, 2011where the winner will be announced. The banquet will be held at Ella's at the Inn at Carnall Hall.
Nominations can be made by anyone on the faculty of the University and need not be Teaching Academy members. However, each nomination letter must indicate that the nominee is also “endorsed” by a named member of the Teaching Academy. (Note: A list of Teaching Academy members is available at http://www.uark.edu/studorg/uateach/who.php?page=namesort.)
To nominate a faculty colleague, send a brief nomination letter describing the nominee’s qualifications by Oct. 14 to:
Donald M. Johnson, 205 Agriculture Building or dmjohnso@uark.edu
(Note: If you send the nomination letter as an e-mail attachment, please include the words “Imhoff Award Nomination” in the subject line of the e-mail.)
The awards committee will select three finalists who will be invited to submit a more complete packet of information about their teaching and mentoring activities by Nov. 15. This packet will include the following:
- A statement of teaching and instructional philosophies and student mentoring of the nominee and how these are implemented
- Teaching performance evaluations for a minimum of the past 3 years.
- Documentation of teaching and professional involvement in teaching, teaching awards and instruction beyond the classroom which may include a list of teaching and mentoring, publications, etc.
- Letters of support from three colleagues, one of whom should be the supervisor or unit leader.
- Three letters of support from students, current or graduates (within 5 years).
For a more detailed description of the award and the selection procedure, please contact Don Johnson at dmjohnso@uark.edu or 575-2035.
Donald, Johnson
Teaching Academy
575-2035, dmjohnso@uark.edu