Princeton Professor to Give Nano Lecture

The department of chemistry and biochemistry Fall Lecture Series will host Haw Yang of Princeton University who will present “Quantum Dot Nano Thermometers Reveal Local Transient Heterogeneous Thermogenesis in Living Cells,” Monday, Sept. 12, at 3:30 p.m. in CHEM 144.

Yang received a bachelor’s degree from the National Taiwan University and attended graduate school at the University of California, Berkeley, where he became a faculty member after being a postdoctoral research assistant at Harvard University. He joined the faculty at Princeton University as an associate professor of chemistry in 2009.

He is an Alfred P. Sloan Fellow, and has received the CAREER award from the National Science Foundation, the Hellman Family Faculty Award and the Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award.

A reception will take place after the seminar in CHEM 105.

For more information see the Fall Lecture Series or contact seminar chair Matt McIntosh,

The event is open to the public.


Jennifer Sims, editor
chemistry and biochemistry

News Daily