Various Dance Classes Offered Through University Recreation

Ballroom Dance is one of the dance classes offered this semester.
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Ballroom Dance is one of the dance classes offered this semester.

Learning various types of dance has been shown to enhance both mental and social functioning. According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, dancing can help lower your risk of coronary heart disease, decrease blood pressure and also aid in weight management efforts. Dance can improve muscle strength and burn up to 500 calories per hour. In addition to many physiological benefits that can occur, dancing also provides an assortment of psychological benefits such as reducing stress, improving energy and increasing self-esteem.

Several opportunities are available to learn various styles of dance this semester through University Recreation. Beginner Ballroom Dance serves to introduce participants to the many facets of ballroom dancing, ranging from the foxtrot to the waltz to the tango. Participants do not need any dance experience to participate, just a willingness to learn and have fun!

The beginner Latin dance class will give participants the basics of Latin dance for styles such as the salsa, merengue and rumba. Fast-paced and focusing on rhythm, this exciting type dance class will teach participants the proper footwork and partner skills needed to learn Latin dance.

Improve your moves on the dance floor with an exciting Swing Dance class. The beginner class will cover topics starting with basic framework and footwork and will go through a variety of dips, basic turns and spins, and musicality (or improve techniques). The intermediate class will teach moves using the Lindy Hop and the Charleston and transitions in between each and will also offer two classes on aerials. The intermediate class covers a wider vocabulary of styles and tricks so it is assumed that anyone partaking in the class has had experience with East Coast Swing.

For a more unique dance experience, try Capoeira on Tuesday nights from Sept. 13 through Nov. 15. Capoeira is a Brazilian art form that combines martial arts, music and dance, and is being offered as a free program.

If you are looking for a way to relax and improve your health, Postures of Yoga is the class for you.  This traditional yoga class will create harmony by filling the physical need of health, the psychological need of knowledge and the spiritual need of inner peace. This is a traditional yoga class that focuses on breathing, meditation and mastering postures.

University Recreation continues to offer American Red Cross First Aid, Adult CPR and AED certification opportunities.  Such programs are designed to help people lead safer and healthier lives, as well as enhance preparedness in homes, schools, and workplaces. All materials required for this class will be provided and participants will take an exam at the conclusion of the class to be awarded their certification.

All classes are available in the Health, Physcial Education and Recreation Building. Red Cross certification courses are open to the general public and do not require HPER memberships or guest pass procedures.  All other classes are open to registration by students and HPER members only. A complete schedule of dates, times and costs can be found at the University Recreation website.  To register for any of these Instructional Programs, please visit the HPER membership office in HPER 225. For information regarding these classes, contact Katie Helms at or 479-575-4


Katie Helms , Assistant Director
University Recreation

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