Arkansas Alumni Association and Global Campus Announce Partnership

The Arkansas Alumni Association and the University of Arkansas Global Campus (School of Continuing Education and Academic Outreach) are proud to announce a new partnership that will assist alumni and friends in expanding their educational opportunities.

Alumni Association members can access a wide array of continuing education offerings, including professional development courses, personal enrichment offerings, conference services and online degree programs. Students seeking degrees are taught by world-renowned university faculty members and can earn identical degrees to those on campus. Courses provide virtual education to people whose personal obligations or choices prevent on-campus participation.

For anyone not seeking a degree but wanting to expand their knowledge in a certain field or skill, Global Campus offers courses in professional development and technology, customized corporate training and personal enrichment programs for all ages.

“The Global Campus is excited about the opportunity to offer additional perks to Alumni Association members,” said Kim Jones, manager of conferences, special programs and professional studies at the Global Campus. “Our goal is to serve the ever-changing needs of our constituents. It only makes sense that we should focus on the continuing education needs of our alumni, whether it’s for professional or leisure learning. If you haven’t visited our facilities lately, drop in anytime for a tour and to get acquainted with our staff.”

Discounted rates for Alumni Association members are as follows:

  • 10 percent discount for room rental at Rogers and Fayetteville Global Campus facilities
  • 10 percent off conference planning services (facility arrangements, registration, financial management, etc.)
  • 10 percent off personal enrichment courses (art + craft and others)
  • 10 percent discount for professional development courses (SHRM test preparation and recertification courses, online non-credit courses, etc.)

To take advantage of your exclusive members only discount please provide your member ID on your application for coursework or contact For more information about Global Campus, visit For more information about the Arkansas Alumni Association or to join, visit




Tammy Tucker, communications director

News Daily