High School Students Introduced to Information Technology Field
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – A summer program offered at the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas offers a select group of high school students a taste of what it’s like to work in the cutting-edge field of information technology.
The Information Technology Research Institute in Walton College creates, funds and coordinates the annual Technology Awareness Program with the assistance of the college’s office of diversity programs and the information systems department. Barbara Lofton, director of the office of diversity programs, said the Technology Awareness Program exposes underrepresented groups, specifically women and racial minorities, to the field of information technology, as well as to the experience of college life.
The week-long program runs from July 10-15. Students work in teams on an IT project and ,on the final day of the program, they have the opportunity to present their work to representatives from the institute’s board member companies and the Walton College faculty and staff.
Institute board member companies bring real-world technologies to campus for a Technology Fair to prepare students for the week and help them generate project ideas,. Students also tour the Wal-Mart Innovation Center, where they see cutting-edge technologies that companies are planning to implement in the next five to 10 years.
Susan Bristow was an instructor in the program last summer.
"The Technology Awareness Program participants were inquisitive and eager to learn about new, cool and innovative technologies," she said. "After having instruction, visiting Wal-Mart’s Innovation Lab, and talking with faculty and business representatives, the students showcased new uses for technology for many industries on the last day of the program. It is fascinating to see every year what new ideas the students bring to the program and their final presentations."
The program helps the students see the possibilities and opportunities that a degree in information systems could provide. When asked what they liked most about the program, one of last year's students wrote, "It gave me knowledge about some things I had no idea of about IT." Another said, "It enhanced my experience in the field of information technology and technology itself."
Eric Bradford, managing director
Information Technology Research Institute
479-575-5291, ebradford@walton.uark.edu
Barbara Lofton, director
Office of Diversity Programs
479-575-4557, blofton@walton.uark.edu