National Center for Reliable Electric Power Transmission Sparks Interest in Fifth Graders

T.A. Walton demonstrates solar energy for Asbell Elementary students.
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T.A. Walton demonstrates solar energy for Asbell Elementary students.

In May, the National Center for Reliable Electric Power Transmission hosted two groups of elementary school children. Fifth graders from Westwood Elementary in Springdale visited the center on May 4 and students from Asbell Elementary in Fayetteville visited on May 25.

During their visit, the students toured the facility and watched a presentation of NCREPT’s Solar Power Unit Demonstator, which illustrates solar energy and smart grid technology. They also saw a demonstration of a Jacob’s Ladder device, which produces electrical sparks between two wires. The students participated in a discussion of the device and analyzed how it worked.

“Our goal is to encourage scientific thinking and higher education goals at an early age,” explained T.A. Walton, NCREPT’s managing director. “We hope this visit will help students see engineering as fun.”


Camilla Medders, director of communications
College of Engineering
(479) 575-5697,

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