ASG Provides Transit Drivers With Appreciation Day

Grant Hodges and Mark Nabors were two of the students who provided lunch for Razorback Transit drivers as part of 'Driver Appreciation Day.'
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Grant Hodges and Mark Nabors were two of the students who provided lunch for Razorback Transit drivers as part of 'Driver Appreciation Day.'

The Associated Student Government declared Friday, April 1, as "Driver Appreciation Day" and delivered doughnuts for breakfast and catfish with all the fixin's for lunch for all Razorback Transit bus operators.

Union Station was also posted with notices requesting that students recognize their bus operator today by saying "thanks."

ASG senators and officials participating included Grant Hodges, Mark Nabors, Mike Norton, Matt Bakke and Steven Bentel. The drivers were very pleasantly surprised by the thoughtful recognition.


Charlie Alison, executive editor
University Relations


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